Copmanthorpe Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Copmanthorpe Primary School all pupils, regardless of their special educational need or disability, are provided with inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress and feel that they are a valued member of the school community. In line with the whole school vision and values, we aim to provide a curriculum that inspires and challenges all learners and prepares them for the future. Through effective teaching and learning, support and encouragement and working closely with parents and carers, we can enable the fulfilment of each child’s potential.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Emma Wooldridge.

Our governor for SEND is Mrs Menna Godfey



School enquiries –

Copmanthorpe Primary School SEND report 

  - please click here SEND report

Copmanthorpe Primary School SEND Policy

 SEND Policy - please click SEND policy


York Local Offer

 City of York Council publishes their Local Offer for SEND online. To view this, please click here


Raise York website

The Raise York site is part of the city’s new network of Family Hubs; a project funded by the Department for Education to bring together organisations supporting children and families in a ‘one stop shop’. The aim is to make it easier to get advice, help and support on a wide range of topics including infant feeding, mental health support, health visits and parenting classes. 


York SEND Outcomes Framework

City of York Council Support

A support for families document has been shared by City of York Council and is full of information, web links and contact details for families in need of support on a number of topics including: housing, finance, food, SEN, mental health and bereavement amongst others.

Support for Families in York

Handling Anger in the Family

The team at Family Matters York are planning to offer an online course from next week on Handling Anger in the Family. It will look at how as adults we manage our own anger and then how we support our children's feelings of anger. It will involve the presentation of material, whole group discussions and small group activities which will all take place online at the same time, on the same day over four weeks.

Anyone who is interested is asked to contact Family Matters with a preference for one of the following times: 9.00-11.00am; 2.00-4.00pm; or 7.30-9.30pm. They can be contacted on T: 07393 147259 or E:

York Wellbeing Service

Here is a link to a helpful booklet that can be completed with your child at home. 

My Helpful Booklet

The 4 Broad Areas of Need

Please take some time to look at the links to useful websites below.  

Communication and Interaction
Speech and Language

NHS York Speech and Language Website

Speech and Language Handbook


Autism UK

Autism and York

Autism - an easy read

Communication and Learning


If you have any concerns that your child may have traits of dyslexia or literacy difficulties, some helpful information and websites are listed below. If you would like to speak to your child's class teacher to discuss this further, please make an appointment to do so. 

Driver Youth Trust

Supporting Dyslexia

Please click here for a further information and support.


Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Physical and Sensory


Resources to Support Home Learning

High Frequency Words100 square200 high frequency words2, 3, and 5 times tablemultiplication-squareTimes Tables 1-12fraction wallNumber line to 20phase 2-5 high frequency wordssentence openerssynonymsletter formationyear-1-and-2-common-exception-wordsyear-3-and-4-common-exception-wordsyear-5-and-6-common-exception-words